Friday, March 26, 2004
:: Jadi v. Putus ::
Question: Suppose your boyfriend/girlfriend is horribly burned in a car accident that was totally your fault. They are badly mutilated and fucking *pissed*. Is it time to say goodbye?
Answer? ....
pS: tadi siang ikutan quiz di the spark, terus ketemu 1 question kaya begini. Interesting. I asked some frens, some said "oh well... never been in that situation, but maybe i'll leave him/her; some other said "i'll stuck wit him/her";then came up another group of opinion "i'll surely stay beside him/her even if i lose my love... it's my responsibility"... dan om tobi bilang, "yah gw benci habis manis sepah dibuang...."... etc.
So.. What's your answer, guyz?posted byon 12:58 PM put