Tuesday, April 13, 2004
:: Use Me ::

You can use anything, Lord, You can use me... Take my hand Lord, take my feet... Touch my heart Lord, speak through me... If You can use anything, Lord, You can use me...

Yesterday I asked God to use me to bless others, and He fulfilled my prayer. Some people might think that this event is a coincidence, but for me... nothing just happened.

Hari ini gw pergi ke CT bwat meeting, pulang dari CT, gw baru sadar kalo gw lupa bawa konci rumah. Akhirnya kerjaan gw cuman nongkrong di depan rumah, karena di rumah gw ternyata lagih gaQ ada orang dan sms² gw gaQ dibales². Mao balik lagih ke CT bwat my last bar course tapi nanggung banget, jalan² di CT selama 5 jam-an...

Mentok²nya, karena bener² bosen sekali, gw menghubungi temen gw, Annes, untungnya dia ada di rumah dan dia memperbolehkan gw dateng . Sampe² di rumah Annes, gw langsung tanya apa dia punya sepatu kets ato gaQ, soalnya gw takut gw gaQ sempet pulang ke rumah lagi, sementara gw sangat butuh sepatu bwat bar course.

Abis itu, ternyata dia lagih punya rencana bwat beresin kamar. Kamarnya persis banget kaya gudang. Segala barang bertebaran di mana². Ada salonpas, panadol yang tinggal 2 biji, kaos kaki bekas pake, gelas² bekas minum yang belom dicuci², sampe kemaren malem dia tidur di ranjang yang seprai-less .

Kamarnya [menurut gw] pun beres, dia bilang ke gw, kalo tadi dia itu minta ke Tuhan supaya ada yang bantuin dia beresin kamar, karena dia sendiri gaQ tau harus mulai beresin dari mana. I'm being an angel today [hahaha]...

GaQ tau kenapa, gw pegang² kantong celana gw,... koQ ada bentuk² yang gw sangat kenal... dan!!!! Dan!!! ... Itu bentuk kunci rumah gw!!! Kunci rumah gw ... ada di dalam sana!! Di kantong celana gw... Jadi selama ini gw gaQ sadar... kalo gw bawa² tuh kunci... Well... nothing just happened...

pS: Yeah, i knoe, it's a stoopid thing for not examining my jeans' pockets... but.. hey...

Always feel good to put a smile on someone's face... .

posted by on 4:30 PM put

about me

This is my blogchalk:
Australia, WA, Perth, Indonesian, English, Inex, Female, sound system, IFC, positive, bar/lounge/cafe/pub, Curtin, mass comm: journalism & PR, guitar, God, SMS, friendship, love, life, counselling; love: me, people, God; bdg - 31 oct, optus - telkomsel, Scorpio, moody, supportive, caring, sensitive, thinker, philosopher, romantic, fun, all the good things, nexia, nexi, nexy, inex...blah.blah.blah...




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