Saturday, March 13, 2004
.:: Love Knows No Borders ::.

Itu tagline dari iklannya HSBC. Kata HSBC, there is no geographical and time borders for love .

Bener gaQ yah? Bukannya susah? Anggep deh Long Distance Relationship (LDR) gitu. Mereka yang berhubungan jarak jauh ini kan punya halangan geography dan time. Gw bukannya bilang LDR itu gaQ mungkin berhasil. Beberapa temen gw bilang kalo LDR tuh tuh bikin mereka bisa bertumbuh secara individually within their space, memberi masing² pasangan freedom. Beberapa yang lain bilang kalo LDR itu susah banget karena orang yang kita sayang ga ada di samping kita saat kita butuhkan. Yah, dan general things/reasons gitu lah.

Help donk wit comment².... Sayah lagi pengen tau banyak soal LDR ini ...

posted by on 5:44 PM put

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This is my blogchalk:
Australia, WA, Perth, Indonesian, English, Inex, Female, sound system, IFC, positive, bar/lounge/cafe/pub, Curtin, mass comm: journalism & PR, guitar, God, SMS, friendship, love, life, counselling; love: me, people, God; bdg - 31 oct, optus - telkomsel, Scorpio, moody, supportive, caring, sensitive, thinker, philosopher, romantic, fun, all the good things, nexia, nexi, nexy, inex...blah.blah.blah...




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