.:: The Passion of the Christ ::.
Australian and New Zealand audiences will be among the first in the world to see The Passion of the Christ. It releases in Australia and New Zealand on February 25 on Ash Wednesday. The film is approximately 2 hours long and has English subtitles.
Kemaren di sekolah ada satu Christian Club yang ngajakin nonton film ini rame2. Sayangnya waktu mereka clashed banget sama timetable gw dan spupu gw. Ahirnya hari ini, premiere *hore hore....* gw nonton bareng spupu dan temen2 gw. Film ini nyeritain 12 jam terakhir hidup Jesus di dunia, yang diadaptasi dari injil Matius, Markus, Lukas dan Johannes. Settingnya sendiri diambil di Italy. Jim Caviezel as Jesus is a really good actor.
I trembled and cried all along the movie. It was so good dat i didnt even talk... I sit and waited until the credit finished.. thinking in my own head about the movie.
Pengen sih ceritain, cuman kayanya kurang seru kalo gaQ ngalamin sendiri :)... So.. watch it and have a personal experience with that movie.
posted byon 10:06 PM put