Wednesday, March 03, 2004
.:: 1st Week of SkooooooL... ::.

Gimana yah?? Di mana2 bule... dan mosty gals... heuheueh ke mana kah para pria pergi??

Kelas hari ini, Media Law menarik banget. 1st, because of the teacher and 2nd because of the students.

Guru Media Law gw berasal dari Malaysia dan dia udah tinggal di Perth selama 14 tahun . Di Malaysia dia kerja sebagai newspaper editor. Dia keluar dan pindah ke Perth dengan membawa satu hal in his mind:
"You did good thing for your country which can cause bad thing for your family."

Di Perth dia mulai dari awal lagi. Kuliah undergraduate dengan major in Law and Journalism. He climbed from the deep bottom and he succeed. He became a great lecturer.

Anyway, temen sekelas gw tadi salah satunya orang Somalia, Abdurahman. Dia lulusan Sudan university dan pernah bekerja di BBC selama 2 tahun. 2 times he accountered life threatening situation because of civil war over there. He has a lot of stories to tell and lot of them are interesting .

Ada lagi salah satu pemain reality show "The Resort" yang cukup terkenal. Namanya Christy. She's an entertainer. Ada Claire yang udah jadi guru dance dan punya 2 sekolah dance. Ada Jamie yang kadang dia jadi DJ... dan masih banyak lagi ... hihihi aga2 lupa sih .

All of my units have presentation inside it ... guess it'll be a good practice for me... hmm apa gaQ yah??

Kemaren itu di kelas Introduction to Broadcast, dibentuk group bwat presentation. And i got paired up wif a gal named Cynthia. Jadi gara2 ada tugas presentation itu, gw tanya nomer telpon dia dan dia tulis di diary gw... Ternyata dia ga nanya nomer gw tuh... yah.. ya udah.. maybe later on...

Terus abis kelas itu, gw ke bookshop. Di sono ketemu dia, cuman kayanya dia gaQ liat... jadi ya udah, gw ga berencana nyapa anyway. Dan abis dari bookshop, waktu mo ambil tas di tempat penitipan tas, ada dia lagi... she saw me, but she didn't say hello or anything like dat . She just slipped out quitely from the crowd and left me blank with my own thoughts .

Abis itu... gw hanya berharap kalo dia adalah anak yang bener2 pemalu dan pendiem .

O yeah.. i put down 3 doors down - here without you.. kedengeran ga yah?

posted by on 9:48 PM put

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Australia, WA, Perth, Indonesian, English, Inex, Female, sound system, IFC, positive, bar/lounge/cafe/pub, Curtin, mass comm: journalism & PR, guitar, God, SMS, friendship, love, life, counselling; love: me, people, God; bdg - 31 oct, optus - telkomsel, Scorpio, moody, supportive, caring, sensitive, thinker, philosopher, romantic, fun, all the good things, nexia, nexi, nexy, inex...blah.blah.blah...




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