Tuesday, May 17, 2005
.:: Bahagia-ku ::.

Haaa... hari ini aku sangat2 bahagia sekali. Super duper bahagia... reasonnya? Sebenernya sih kalo dipikir2 ga ada reason yang jelas juga sih. Gara2 bahagia sekali, langsung gw telpon temen gw. Dia sampe stress gara2 gw ketawa2 sendiri .

-dia-: "Udah yah... dadah..."
-me-: "Kenapa?... koQ udahan?"
-dia-: "Yah... abisnya gw stress sendiri dengerin elo ketawa."
-me-: *ketawa2 lagi*

-me-: "Duh, gw bahagia banget neh!!"
-spupu-: "Lho, gw bingung. Kenapa sih?"
-me-: "Yah bahagia aja."
-spupu-: "Tolong yah, tolong... gimme a good reason, please..."
-me-: *ktawa lagih*

-me-: "Aaaa... dear kk, aku bahagia sekali!!!!... Sangat-sangat bahagia!!!"
-kk-: "Kenapa? Ketemu cowo yah?"
-me-: "Nope... seneng ajaaa gitu.... Emang... bahagia harus ada alasannya ya?"
-kk-: "Iya donk...!! Bahagia napa sih?"
-me-: "...hmmm harus ada alasannya?"
-kk-: "Ya iya atuh. There's a reason for everything."
-me-: "...But not for this one." *ktawa*

Well, i thank God for this overflowing joy. Dear Flona, overflowing joynya baru hari ini neh... yang kemaren masih biasa2 aja . Yah... beginilah hari-ku. Emang kalo bahagia itu perlu suatu alasan yah? *Hiehiehieh...* Apa sebenernya ada tapi gw ngga mo kasih tau ?

posted by on 1:53 PM put

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Australia, WA, Perth, Indonesian, English, Inex, Female, sound system, IFC, positive, bar/lounge/cafe/pub, Curtin, mass comm: journalism & PR, guitar, God, SMS, friendship, love, life, counselling; love: me, people, God; bdg - 31 oct, optus - telkomsel, Scorpio, moody, supportive, caring, sensitive, thinker, philosopher, romantic, fun, all the good things, nexia, nexi, nexy, inex...blah.blah.blah...




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