Monday, September 26, 2005
.:: Denial ::.

Keep on denial-ing.
But I guess it's okay.
It's not the time anyway.

Omong2 soal jatuh cinta? Kayanya ngga (safer this way... *sigh*)...

Going to Sydney in couple of days... (one more week to be exact) .

I have a 'somehow' great expectation for the upcoming camp...

Cuman bobo selama 3 jam karena movie marathon (o yeah, thx for my own stupidity... which made me watch Stealth twice ). Dikira Stealth itu film crime or something like tat. Begitu sampe di tempat nonton baru tersadar kalo beberapa hari yang lalu udah nonton Stealth. Do'h!! .

Anyway... sedang menikmati hidup sekali nih. I knoe,... ada banyak tugas... dan macem2nya... terus beberapa hari yang lalu kayanya terjadi peristiwa yang ga enakin banget.
Ada satu orang HongKong (HK), cowo. Dulu pernah agak2 deket... suka cerita2 dll...
Beberapa hari lalu ketemu.
Dia sama cwnya.
Terus saya flashback sendiri, jadi inget waktu dia 'nembak' dulu.
I said, "no"... dan waktu itu dia banting textbook in front of my face.
Welllll.... to make it short, couple of days ago he sms-ed me beberapa hal yang... (ck ck ck) tidak seharusnya dia tulis... and gave me a small fluffy toy (which eventually I gave it to my friend) .
Orang udah punya cw toh ya setia... kasian cwnya...

posted by on 10:29 AM put

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This is my blogchalk:
Australia, WA, Perth, Indonesian, English, Inex, Female, sound system, IFC, positive, bar/lounge/cafe/pub, Curtin, mass comm: journalism & PR, guitar, God, SMS, friendship, love, life, counselling; love: me, people, God; bdg - 31 oct, optus - telkomsel, Scorpio, moody, supportive, caring, sensitive, thinker, philosopher, romantic, fun, all the good things, nexia, nexi, nexy, inex...blah.blah.blah...




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