Wednesday, March 09, 2005
:: Hitch ::
Huhuhuh, sekarang semua orang bilang ke gw, 'can I call u sometime'. KoQ jadi pasarannnnn!!!!.
Kemaren akhirnya sempet juga nonton Hitch barengan ama sepupu2 tercinta (ie. Ardhi, Pia, Dewi, Erlin) dan calon sepupu ipar (So-Un). Hitch bagus deh. Gw puas nontonnya, puas ketawa, puas terharu, puas bete, puas segala macemnya terpuaskan nonton Hitch.
Di bagian mula-mula film, si Hitch pernah bilang:'Life is not measured by the breath we take, but by the moments that take our breath away'.
Iyah, moments that take our breath away, not only the good moments, but it also can be threatening moments, sad moments, and many kind of moments. Momen2 yang kadang kalo kita lagih diem2 bisa tiba2 muncul gitu, "gotcha"... those moments play in our mind. Momen2 itulah yang bikin hidup jadi lebih 'hidup'.
Hitch bagus deh pokoQnya... sampe ada sepotong bagian dari film Jerry Maguire di film Hitch, adegan legendarisnya waktu Tom Cruise bilang, 'You.... complete me'. Seneng banget nontonnya. Lot of good quotes juga dalemnya. Kira2 kalo menurut survey, udah ada 2 famous quotes dari film Hitch:
1. That's why falling in love is so damn hard!
2. Basic principles (in love): there is none.
Yah, buat yang belom menonton, silakan menonton!!! Bagus deh pokoQnya...!!posted byon 11:59 AM put