Wednesday, November 09, 2005
.:: Elizabethtown ::.

Lagih nepi dulu ke rumah temen sementara... lagih mo exam sih. Cari suasana baru untuk belajar dan memperbaharui pikiran.

Kemaren nonton Elizabethtown (yang dimaenin ama Orlando Bloom & Kirsten Dunst) bagus banget deh. I have lot of quotes dari tuh film .

Claire (Kirsten): I will miss your lips and everything attached to them.

Drew (Orlando): In that moment I knew success not greatness was the only god the world served.

Claire (Kirsten): Trust me. Everyone is less mysterious than they think they are.

Claire (Kirsten): Sadness is easier because its surrender. I say make time to dance alone with one hand waving free.

Film ini benar2 mengajarkan kalo dibalik sesuatu yang hard/ tough happened ato ada problem coming our way gitu pasti di belakangnya ada pelajaran berharga yang bisa kita dapatkan...

Meanwhile.. dalem waktu 2 minggu terakhir ini sekolah gw bakalan berakhir.. no longer a uni student.. *hua*... well..
Study lagih ah...*brb*
Maap belom bisa blogwalking dulu...

posted by on 4:32 PM put

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