Sunday, February 26, 2006
Akhirnya kemaren malem saya officially jadi Bachelor of Arts. Waktu gw jalan di stage-nya, sayah disorot kamera dan dimunculin di 2 layar TV gede di sebelah kiri ama kanan. Duh.. tegang deh. Berasanya cepet banget tuh graduation ceremony-nya... Too memoriable. Berasa superstar semalem.
Ini sekedar foto2 dari kemaren malem. Malem penutupan graduation, ditemenin ama fireworks juga.
Abis graduation terus makan... kelaperan...
Ini ama nyokap.
Barengan temen2, ada si Rakuen juga ada di paling kanan.
Hihiih, gitu aja dulu deh. Gw mo gimana2 masih belom kepikiran juga. Apa gw nganggur aja selama setaon*j/k*.
posted byon 4:23 PM put
Tuesday, February 21, 2006Hula hoop was in my hi skool... (a normal thing).
There was a time when I did nerd whispers in my chem lab (yeah, chem lab has some computers). I actually told my teacher (in nerd whisper) about me trying to dig up every chem jargons when I suppose to whisper those to my chem partner. Teach told me he was a hula hoop (what?). I tot he was kidding me and told my chem partner bout it... Then something not really strange happenede. My chem partner got blushed and said that he was also a hula hoop. Rumor has it but I never believe it.. tot he was an azaphile all along.
All happened in a day of yr 10 hi skool. Ah...hi skoollll...*kangen*posted byon 6:43 PM put
Saturday, February 18, 2006.:: No Title ::.
Running. Running is a form of escaping oneself from evil reality unto surreal field. Temporary happiness found.
Black Dog. I love black dogs. Black golden retriever is a good choice.
Baileys. Enjoying Baileys every nite or getting it 3 times a day. Making it a part of one main meals. Good site for applying job. Loaded with new jobs every day...
G. A compilation of sweet bard and athletic young executive. Blimey!!
Ardhi. Thanks for being there in times of 'civic' and 'blockbuster' manic... plus 'nandos' once every week. Getting manicaly with chicken. Do'h.
Qool QDA 700 Nice gift. Nice PDA. No need one rite now.
What do you think of me? Please click here. Safe site. Just wanna know your opinions.
Ah... cape... Time to rest and again, withdrawing myself.posted byon 7:24 PM put
Thursday, February 09, 2006.:: A, dah lama.. ::.
Sudah lamaaaa banget ga ngeblog. Itu semua salah seri2 TV... Salahnya alias, csi, lost, west wing, simpsons, family guy, etc, etc, etc.. Iyah... gara2 film itu yang menyita waktu saya ngeblog..., belom ditambah dvd2 satuan, ... ya... Selaen itu kerjaan.
Well, just realise, susah banget bikin janji sama temen2, banyakan dah pada sibuk sendiri dan kalo mereka lagi luang giliran saya yang ga tau lagi ngapain. Lagi proses apply PR ternyata cukup complicated juga. Ya... berdoa aja deh biar cepet beres
Ntar tanggal 25 February ada graduation ceremony. Uuu.. akhirnya. Abis lepas dari hi skool ga berasa banget waktu jadi makin cepet. Kemaren ini ada tawaran buat apply jadi journalist.. uuu, pengen banget. Tapi ujung2nya balik lagi ke PR yang harus di lodge in dulu.
A... hidup ini menyenangkan. Saat ini saya lagih sangat2 menikmati hidup sekali sih... Heheh...posted byon 9:02 PM put