Saturday, November 15, 2003
.:: ... God... is it all REAL? ::.
I’m not nobody… I’m ur daughter…
I have my own times…
Good and bad…
I’m not nobody… I’m ur daughter…
Sometimes I can be independent
Sometimes I can be a little devil
Sometimes I can be sweet
Sometimes I can be mature
I’m not nobody… I’m ur daughter…
I need your support
In times of trouble…
I’m not nobody… I’m ur daughter…
I need your appreciation
For what I achieved…
But most of all…
I need your LOVE…
-me-: "Pa, besok di rumah pegi2 ga?"
Papa: "Kenapa?"
-me-: "GaQ, mao minta anterin pegi, sekalian ikut aja yuQ.."
Papa: "Ajak mama gih... barengan ama mama aja..."
-me-: "Ma, besok pegih yuQ.. jam 9 neh :).... acara keluarga neh!!"
Mama: "Ah, mama males, barengan ama papa aja gih... "
Papa: "..."
-me-: "Pa.... Inex aja semuanya karena pengen pegih barengan keluarga... "
Please somebody tell me.. is it real? Wut happen to the world and my family? (uhm.. ga ada hubungannya ama dunia sih... )... Please Lord... it's so hard.. tiap kali balik indo adaaaa aja wut makes me wanna run away to nother world ... the world which full of love, understanding and most of all care... Friends... i need ur support & pray...
posted byon 9:59 PM put